
Caused by: Colletotrichum spp.
Problem Category: Fungal Disease
Symptoms: Small, dark brown to black lesions on cotyledons; oval or eye-shaped lesions on stems which turn sunken and brown with purple to red margins; stems may break if cankers weaken stem; pods drying and shrinking above areas of visible symptoms; reddish brown spots on pods which become circular and sunken with rust colored margin
Comments: Disease transmitted through infected seed; fungus can survive in crop debris in soil and reinfect crop the following season
Management: Plant resistant varieties; use certified disease free seed; avoid sprinkler irrigation, water plants at base; plow bean crop debris into soil
Control: spray 2 times 10% Cowdung+Asafoetida solution in 10 days interval to control anthracnose
SKU: 1293 Category: